交通指引 :台北文華東方酒店 - 宴會廳

Arrival Directory: Mandarin Oriental, Taipei (Ballrooms)

計程車 (Taxi)

  • 計程車可於敦化北路車道進入酒店廳前噴水池廣場,由右側商場由右側商​場 Arcade 大門進入後沿著宴會廳指引搭乘正前方手扶梯至 B2 宴會廳樓​層,亦或者搭乘商場大廳右側電梯直達 B2 宴會廳樓層。
  • All taxis may enter the hotel’s main fountain plaza from the Dun-Hua ​North Road driveway. Enter the arcade through the revolving door located ​on the right-hand side of the plaza. Continue by following the directory ​visible right in front, and proceed further to the ballrooms (B2) via the ​escalators located ahead. Elevators with direct access to the ballrooms ​(B2) can also be accessed from the right-hand side of the arcade lobby.

自行駕車 (Own Vehicle)

  • 從敦化北路車道進入酒店大廳前廣場,噴水池旁車道下至停車場 B5 或 ​B6。沿著宴會廳標示指引,提供兩台電梯前往 B2 宴會廳樓層。
  • Vehicles may enter the hotel main fountain plaza from Dun-Hua North ​Road driveway. Proceed to basement parking (B5 & B6) by continue ​driving a route next to the fountain. Follow the directory in basement ​parking lot to locate the elevators leading to the ballroomsf (B2).

大眾交通運輸 (Public Transportation)

  • 搭乘捷運文湖線至南京復興站,由7號出口出站直行慶城街至酒店與百貨側門。​由商場側門進入後沿著宴會廳指引搭乘正前方手扶梯至 B2 宴會廳樓層,亦或者​搭乘商場大廳右側電梯直達B2宴會廳樓層。
  • Take the MRT Wenhu Line to Nanjing Fuxing Station. Exit from Exit 7 and ​walk straight along Qingcheng Street to the side entrance of the hotel and ​department store. Enter through the side entrance and take the escalator ​ahead to the B2 banquet hall floor, or take the elevator on the right side of the ​mall lobby directly to the B2 banquet hall floor.

  • 搭乘捷運新店線至小巨蛋站,由 2 號出口出站沿敦化北路直行至酒店,並由酒​店入口車道步行進入廳前噴水池廣場。由右側商場 Arcade 入口進入,沿著宴會​廳指引搭乘正前方手扶梯至 B2 宴會廳樓層,亦或者搭乘商場大廳右側電梯直達 ​B2 宴會廳樓層。
  • Take the MRT Xindian Line to the Taipei Arena Station. Exit from Exit 2 and ​walk straight along Dunhua North Road to the hotel. Enter the hotel’s driveway ​and walk to the fountain plaza. Enter the arcade through the right-side ​entrance, and follow the signs to the banquet hall, taking the escalator directly ​in front of you to the B2 banquet hall floor, or take the elevator on the right ​side of the mall lobby directly to the B2 banquet hall floor.


Arcade 1F Escalator – Entry of B2 Ballroom


B5 Orange parking area & elevator to B2 – B5


B5 purple parking area & elevator to 8F Grand Salon – B5


If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. ​Event Sales Department宴會業務部

address ​telephone ​email

158 Dunhua North Road, Taipei 10548, Taiwan

+ 886 2 2715 6888
